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Writer's pictureTracie Ann

Today's Full Moon Will Change Everything!

Today's Full Moon in Capricorn promises to be a transformative experience, shifting our lives in significant ways.

This is the second of two Full Moons in Capricorn. With this one sitting at 29 degrees, which is a critical point!

Capricorn, an earth sign known for its ambition, practicality, and dedication to long-term goals, guides us to reassess our commitments, values, boundaries, and how we show up in the world.

Capricorn's energy is all about mastery, discipline, and a willingness to put in the work to achieve our dreams. As the moon reaches peak illumination in this sign, it spotlights areas in our lives where we are called to step into our power, take responsibility, and build structures that support long-term growth, success, and wealth. You can call this your cosmic invitation to assess your commitments, values, boundaries, and how you show up in the world. It marks a significant point in the journey toward emotional maturity and self-responsibility.

We have a great opportunity to appreciate the lessons of the Cancer-Capricorn axis, which symbolizes the balance between nurturing our emotional needs and pursuing structure.

Cancer is a water sign that represents emotional depth, intuition, and nurturing. It is deeply connected to our home, family, and personal relationships, emphasizing the importance of emotional security and care. Cancer asks us to nurture our inner world, cultivate meaningful connections, and prioritize our emotional health.

On the other hand, Capricorn, an earth sign, represents ambition and discipline. It focuses on creating order, setting boundaries, and taking responsibility for our achievements. Capricorn encourages us to build a solid foundation through diligent work and manage our responsibilities effectively.

The Cancer-Capricorn axis highlights the need to balance these two energies in our lives. While Cancer emphasizes caring for our emotional needs and fostering close relationships, Capricorn challenges us to manage our responsibilities, create structure, and achieve our goals. This balance is crucial not just for personal growth, but also for maintaining harmony within our families and relationships. In addition, this is about creating a legacy free of fear, karama, pain, and suffering.

Unveiling the Truth with Pluto's Influence

The Moon's close alignment with Pluto during this Full Moon may reveal uncomfortable truths about yourself or people in your life. These revelations, while challenging, provide a deeper understanding of recent experiences and encourage you to make necessary changes for your personal growth. It's an opportunity to confront the shadows, surrender to transformation, and emerge stronger and more aligned with your authentic self.

The First Full Moon: Setting the Stage

During the first Full Moon on June 21st, the Moon was in the degree which represents unrestrained personal power and the experience of destruction and disorder with awareness. This initial phase was about the beginning stages of building a new foundation, both internally and externally. We were called to align our beliefs, values, morals, views, and philosophies with our higher selves and universal laws. It was a period of reviewing our relationships to see if they align and support our authentic selves.

The Second Full Moon: Culmination and Transformation

Now, the second Full Moon in Capricorn occurs at 29 degrees, marking the culmination of this cycle. This degree signifies a significant turning point, like Saturn's return. Saturn, Capricorn's ruler, emphasizes accountability, discipline, structure, and responsibility. It also demands patience and requires TRUST!

Embracing Emotional Maturity

Emotional maturity is the name of the game, and it's time to step up in brand-new ways. This energy helps us understand our true essence, recognize what truly matters, and embrace the higher power within us. This Full Moon offers an opportunity to gain awareness of how we are required to mature, grow up, and take responsibility. It also reveals how internalized conditioning still impacts us, restricts us, and prevents us from connecting with our spirit.

Since this is a time of intense transformation, it's crucial to practice self-love and self-care.


For this Full Moon in Capricorn, the Oracle card I pulled is Mugwort "Psychic Healing."

This powerful herb provides support and strength for working with our shadows, offering protection against parasitic entities and dark energies we might encounter during shadow work or from other people. Mugwort shields us from evil spirits and negative influences, helping us navigate intense transformation safely. Incorporating mugwort into your Full Moon rituals can enhance psychic healing and ensure a secure space for self-discovery and growth.

Mugwort guides us toward resilience, patience, and the value of hard work in overcoming obstacles and achieving our goals. Welcome the wisdom of this healing herb and you will find the strength and fortitude needed to conquer any adversity that crosses your path.

Shadow Work Prompts for the Full Moon

  1. What are the areas in my life where I feel a lack of structure or discipline? How can I address these areas to achieve my goals?

  2. What responsibilities or commitments am I avoiding, and why? What steps can I take to confront and manage them effectively?

  3. How do I balance my emotional needs with my desire for achievement? Are there conflicts between these aspects of my life that need resolution?

  4. In what ways have I internalized limitations or doubts about my ability to succeed? How can I challenge and transform these beliefs?

  5. What past experiences or patterns are influencing my current approach to responsibility and achievement? How can I release these old patterns to move forward?

Affirmations for the Full Moon in Capricorn

  • I am capable of creating a strong, stable foundation for my future through discipline and dedication.

  • I embrace responsibility with confidence and clarity, knowing it empowers me to achieve my goals.

  • I balance my emotional needs with my drive for success, creating harmony in all aspects of my life.

  • I release limiting beliefs and embrace my ability to achieve greatness with resilience and focus.

  • I honor my journey and growth, understanding that each step I take brings me closer to my true potential.

In summary, the Full Moon is a powerful opportunity to reassess foundations, align with our higher selves, learn the value of hardwork in overcoming obstacles, and build a future grounded in emotional maturity and personal growth.

Remember to practice self-love and self-care as you move through this transformational period, allowing yourself the space to heal and transform with grace.

Happy Full Moon!

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