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Writer's pictureTracie Ann

The Spiritual Ties Between Maternal Energy and Childbirth!

From the moment we are conceived, our journey through gestation, childbirth, and the early stages of life significantly shapes our energy fields and lives. This foundational period shrouded in the mystery of creation and the earliest existence, lays the groundwork for our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. As we navigate through life's complexities, we often lose sight of our true being, which leads us to heal blockages and fragmentations within our energy fields. These disruptions can hinder our ability to experience unconditional joy and authentic self-expression.

I want to shed light on how we are impacted emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically while in the womb. Taking a closer look at how symbiosis, pregnancy, childbirth, and the early stages of life affect our energy fields, unraveling the intricate web connecting our earliest experiences to our present selves.

Understanding Karma

Karma, a concept rooted in Hindu and Buddhist traditions, encapsulates the intricate web of cause and effect that governs the universe. In the realm of childbirth, karma plays a pivotal role in shaping the circumstances surrounding conception and delivery. The energy we emit, our thoughts, actions, and intentions are believed to ripple across the fabric of existence, carrying the seeds of our destiny. Astrology can show us karma, both negative and positive that impacts our lives.

Maternal Energy Systems

At the heart of pregnancy and childbirth lies the maternal energy systems, channels through which a mother's life force flows to nourish the developing life within. These energy systems, comprising the chakras and subtle energy pathways, not only sustain the physical body but also imprint the developing child with subtle energies and impressions that shape their journey in this world.

The mother, as a vessel of life, not only carries the biological blueprint of her child but also imprints the developing consciousness with her karmic resonance. This imprinting process, often subconscious, lays the foundation for the child's predispositions, strengths, and challenges in life.

The Symbiotic Union

Prior to birth and for several months afterward, there is an intense symbiosis between mother and child, both physically and energetically. This union should normally exist in complete harmony, creating a nurturing environment for the developing fetus. However, this delicate balance is often disrupted, impacting the child's personal energy field and its relationship with the universal field.

A mother's attitude and emotional state play a significant role in the energy bond between her and her unborn child. The sensations a mother experiences have an energetic impact on her child while in the womb. These sensations, especially in the later stages of development, become precursors to the child's future feelings. Catastrophic sensations experienced by the mother can disrupt the relationship between mother and fetus on both an interpersonal and spiritual level.

The child's energy system, both before and shortly after birth, is fully integrated with the mother's. Essentially, the child's experience of the world is filtered through the mother's energy system. This interconnectedness means that any disruption in the mother's energy can directly influence the child, shaping their energy field and, consequently, their emotional and spiritual development.

Pregnancy, Labor, and Delivery

Newborns are subjected to physical and psychic stress during pregnancy and delivery, which can result in full-blown neuroses later in life. Hormone imbalances during pregnancy can affect a fetus's development for the rest of its life. These hormonal shifts can determine how passive or assertive a child will be, impacting their willpower, and relationships, and shaping their self-image.

Children may develop blockages and imbalances in their yin and yang energies before birth, resulting in physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental issues. Such imbalances can influence whether a child is more right-brained or left-brained, affecting their intuition and rationality. Research has even linked hormonal imbalances in pregnant mothers to their children's future aggressiveness or passivity.


The moment of childbirth is a pivotal event for the child. The timing of a child's birth reflects the fetus's relationship to the mother's energy field and the universal field. I call this divine timing, a moment when the natural rhythms align perfectly for the baby to enter the world. Think of your birth as part of this natural rhythm, a harmonious entry into existence. This is why time is of the essence and important in astrology, as time determines your rising sign, meaning which planet was rising on the horizon the moment you came into this world through the womb, broke the seal, and were baptized.

In modern times, with the advent of Western medicine, the natural process of childbirth is often forced or intervened upon. This can significantly impact a child's energy field. As Western society has moved away from the natural rhythm of childbirth, children can become more disjointed and disconnected from the natural flow they were meant to connect with. Medical interventions, including medications during labor, can disrupt this natural rhythm. When a mother cannot feel her body due to anesthesia or other interventions, she loses the ability to feel her baby and is cut off from the energy support that comes from this connection.

Physical and energetic separation from the mother during childbirth can cause significant imbalances. The mother's energy field serves as a protective shield for the baby until it can maintain its energy field. When a baby is taken away from the mother's aura, it loses contact mentally and emotionally. If the separation pain is too intense, it can overwhelm the child's energy system. Without the mother's energy field to buffer and support them, the child may struggle to process and release the intense feelings they experience.

This disruption can have long-lasting effects, influencing the child's ability to feel grounded and secure in the world. The mother's energy field is vital for the newborn, providing a sense of safety and connection that helps the baby adapt to life outside the womb. When this connection is prematurely severed, the child may face challenges in emotional regulation and forming healthy relationships later in life.


In the next series, we will focus on the stages of infancy and how the energy field is impacted.

However, take a moment to reflect on everything you've read so far and put it into the context of your own life. Consider your mother's state during her pregnancy with you, during childbirth, and in the weeks after. The energy and emotions she experienced during these times have profoundly affected you. This is karma—the inherited energy that influences your energy field and shapes how you interact in relationships.

Consider your children if you have any. Regardless of whether you are the mother or father, as a father, consider what your partner may have experienced.

I reflect on my state of energy during each pregnancy as a mother of two, my first at 23 and my second at 34. My younger self, at 23, was still navigating the uncertainties of early adulthood, whereas, at 34, I had gained more emotional maturity. These differing states of energy and experience undoubtedly shaped the unique ways in which each of my children entered the world and interacted with it, illustrating the profound impact of a mother's well-being on her child's development.

Actually, my firstborn was a major catalyst in my spiritual journey toward healing and becoming the highest version of myself. My oldest had to spend the first two days of life in the NIC unit due to a cold. While my youngest was able to spend time with me and I was able to go home early. I take that into account because my oldest not having me around for these crucial periods of her life, affected her energy field. Not to say my youngest's field wasn't affected. It was but in different ways. The point of sharing is to highlight the need to be aware and seek to heal the energy disruption during these crucial years of life.

Awareness is key!

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