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Writer's pictureTracie Ann

The August 4th New Moon Brings Exciting Opportunities!

Updated: Aug 4

August 4th is a powerhouse of cosmic events: a New Moon in Leo, Venus entering Virgo, and Mercury turning retrograde in Virgo. This trifecta brings massive shifts in creativity, partnerships, abundance, and growth.

Leo's Energy: Shining Brightly and Embracing SELF

Leo’s energy is all about expressing our true selves with confidence and creativity, letting our spirits shine. Ruled by the sun, Leo symbolizes the core of our being and the essence of who we are. But what does that mean? It means living authentically with an open heart, embracing our passions, messiness, and pursuing what makes us feel alive. It means sharing our unique gifts with the world and being your most authentic self, despite what the world says.

Leo energy is vibrant, bold, and full of life, reminding us that we are here to create, inspire, and lead with love. During Leo season, we are invited to step into our power, honor our inner child, and celebrate the joy of being alive. It’s a time to connect with our hearts' desires and express our true selves without fear.

The New Moon in Leo

A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are next to each other in the same zodiac sign at a specific degree. This New Moon is before a Full Moon in Aquarius, which concludes a series of four full moons within a certain time period. We've been dealing with a multitide of shifts and these lunar cycles have affected health, mind, and overall wellbeing. It's important to tune into these cycles to promote better wellness in your life.

This New Moon is centered around renovating our relationship with creativity, self-expression, and being seen. The upcoming month will be powerful and filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and expansion. It’s a time to acknowledge and honor aspects of ourselves that we usually hide, deny, disown, feel ashamed about, or project onto others. Opportunities for intense personal and creative transformation are available.

The New Moon reminds us that there is power in the darkness and light in the shadows, but it’s up to us to look for it.

Leo teaches us that light is all around; we just have to look for it. Light can be found even in the darkest places. Trust me, I’ve been to many dark places, and I always return with my light brighter than ever. Why? Because I am light, and I remember who I am and my purpose, as you should remember and know yours too. Light inspires, awakens, and generates abundance. When we choose to open unconditionally, revealing the authentic expression of our heart, we shine as bright as the sun, even in the darkest times.

The New Moon also reminds us that the way to ascend is through the heart. The wound is where light enters. Let the light in and open your heart. You'll learn to express everything you've been hiding and running from as Leo brings light back into your life.

So come travel in the darkness of your shadows and bring forth light.

Be light and be light.
Come out from hiding be light.

Venus in Virgo

Venus finds it challenging to be in Virgo—this isn’t her favorite placement. However, with the most difficult placements come the greatest rewards.

Venus in Virgo represents a pure heart that opens us to limitless possibilities and higher consciousness. Virgo teaches us to purify ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It's time to find alignment and recognize our potential. Focus on the details, perfect your craft, and approach relationships thoughtfully.

But don’t be too picky, critical, or judgmental. Virgo energy can be super picky, and sometimes we need to be open and flexible. We will become more discerning in our relationships, valuing substance over BS. This transitemphasizes acts of service and thoughtful gestures as expressions of love, highlighting the importance of showing care through meaningful gestures. At this time, we are invited to clear away what no longer serves us and make space for new growth.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde happens from August 4th to August 28th. Think of it like a plane ride: pre-shadow is the turbulence during takeoff, retrograde is the smooth flight, and post-shadow is the bumpy landing. What started showing up for you around July 21st, particularly in communication, short-term plans, travel, relationhips, health, career, and technology, will come back up. Maybe your tech is failing and needs an upgrade, or someone from your past has reappeared, bringing unresolved issues to light. Perhaps short-term plans keep falling through—are these connected to recurring people, beliefs, or habits that need reassessment?

When Mercury impacts some of us, it impacts time, headaches, nervous tension, high energy, sleep issues, and more.

When Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, the focus is on detailed analysis, communication, and practical adjustments. You might revisit and refine plans, dealing with technical issues, and reevaluating daily routines and work processes. This is a time to pay attention to the small details and make necessary corrections.

As Mercury retrogrades back into Leo, the energy shifts to self-expression, creativity, and heartfelt communication. Issues related to your personal identity, passions, and how you present yourself to the world may come up. It's a good time to reflect on how authentically you live and express your true self. During this transition, what began as a detailed review in Virgo turns into a broader, more creative reflection in Leo.


These cosmic events will give us opportunities to grow, mature, and strengthen ourselves so we can show up in life and express ourselves the way we want. It's a chance to see how we fit into groups and how we can use our creativity to help others. It's a good time to explore our creative desires without expecting anything in return. Sun's journey through Leo invites us to blossom, open up, and celebrate ourselves, recognizing our true value, beauty, and power.

Happy New Moon & Retrograde!

new moon in leo sacred intentions

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