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Writer's pictureTracie Ann

The Aquarius Super Blue Moon is Here to Ignite Change!

Buckle up, because August 19, 2024, brings us a Blue Super Full Moon in Aquarius at 27º14’, and there is no doubt that this one will be a game changer. This isn’t your average Full Moon, this one comes supercharged with electrifying change. Think quantum leaps, awakenings, and shake-ups that will change everything. This is a time of REVOLUTION!

So, why is this Full Moon so special? Well, it's special, because it’s the third Full Moon of the season (Summer in the Northern Hemisphere), during which we’ve got a rare lineup of four Full Moons. And when the polarities of Leo and Aquarius come together, the vibe is all about self-expression, creativity, innovation, breaking free from limitations, and following your heart. This lunar event brings clarity, inspiration, and maybe a little chaos, but it's necessary and will get things moving in the right direction.

This Full moon is also about our relationship with technology, the internet, and social media—asking us to consider how these impact our quality of life and wellbeing. It puts issues front and center encouraging us to reflect on our screen time, social media habits, and reliance on technology. It’s a chance to break free from unhealthy patterns and gain clarity on how we want to engage with both people and technology in the future.

The Ultimate Cosmic Face-Off

Whenever there is a Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are in opposition, and this month's battle is between Leo and Aquarius. There is a clash between individual expression and collective consciousness, self-interest, and community goals. Your creativity, your desires, and your need to shine are central to the Leo season. The Aquarius Full Moon, on the other hand, asks, "How does your contribution fit into the bigger picture?" How do you contribute to the greater good? This is a chance to look at the bigger picture, to see if you've been too caught up in your own world and missed out on what's going on around you. It's all about finding the right balance between following your own path and contributing to society.

T-Square Drama

Here’s where things get spicy. This lunar event is also part of a major cosmic showdown. And it feels like every planet is involved at this point.

Mars and Jupiter recently aligned in Gemini, which I wrote about in the previous article. However, they are both squaring off with Saturn, who is currently retrograde in Pisces.

In addition, for weeks, the Jupiter-Saturn square has been approaching and amplifying the tension between growth and responsibility. Their square is exact during the Full Moon. But, this is not just any square. This is Jupiter and Saturn's first major meeting since their 2020 Grand Conjunction. Now, since their meeting in 2020 was a conjunction, we can call this a first-quarter square.

A first-quarter square between planets is all about cosmic tension that drives growth. These squares happen when planets are 90º apart, creating friction that pushes you to take action. This is called the "crisis in action" phase when you must transform your vision into reality. It’s no longer about dreaming or living in fantasy-land, now it’s time to make things happen. Sure, this energy can feel uncomfortable, triggering frustration or resistance, but that’s the point. It challenges us to confront obstacles head-on and move forward, even when it’s tough.

Jupiter wants to say “yes” to everything, but Saturn is like, "Hey, you have all those prior commitments and responsibilities. You need to handle those and have patience. Don't cut corners or sidestep." So, while you walk through new doors of opportunities, you still need to find a balance to deal with lingering issues from the past. And this is the perfect time to deal with them because Saturn is retrograde. At least Gemini's influence will try to keep things light, versatile, and flexible, while Saturn drags us into deeper waters of reflection and maturity.

You can turn stress into success by using this tension as a tool. Focus on patience, consistency, discipline, and perseverance. Rethink your approach, balance optimism with caution, don't ignore past lessons, and find effective, practical ways to turn your visions into reality. Just like Chinese bamboo takes 5 years to grow above ground, some of our greatest visions take time.

Venus & Mars: The Rebirth of the Masculine and the Feminine

It's as if all of that weren't enough.

Venus and Mars also throw energy into the showdown. On August 22, these two squares will create a layer of relational tension. You can expect to feel this during the Full Moon. This square asks, How are your relationships holding up? Are you showing up the way you need to in your connections? Time to face those stubborn inner conflicts, and reevaluate how you relate to others and how your relationships need to evolve for your soul to grow.

Venus and Mars are reshaping us all in terms of wounded masculine and feminine energies. The collective is experiencing this radical change as we heal these sacred principles.

This is a deep psychological shift that is reshaping the way we connect with one another and form relationships.


Message For the Signs

Aries: Social connections and community involvement are set for a cosmic shake-up. The Blue Moon prompts changes in your social circles and group dynamics. Seize this moment to strengthen your relationships and make a meaningful impact within your community.

Taurus: Career and public image come into sharp focus. The Blue Moon brings a chance for pivotal changes and new opportunities in your professional life. Use this moment to reassess your career goals and take bold steps toward aligning your public persona with your true ambitions.

Gemini: The Blue Moon sparks a period of growth and adventure. It highlights opportunities for travel, higher learning, and expanding your personal horizons. Take advantage of this energy to pursue new experiences and set ambitious goals that broaden your perspective.

Cancer: Expect transformative changes related to your shared resources and emotional investments. The Blue Moon reveals deep-seated issues and offers an opportunity for meaningful resolution. Embrace this chance to make significant adjustments that lead to greater emotional and financial stability.

Leo: Relationships are under the Blue Moon’s gaze, bringing clarity and potential shifts. You might experience changes in how you connect with others, making this an ideal time to address any imbalances. Strengthen your partnerships by taking decisive action to foster healthier, more fulfilling connections.

Virgo: Your work and daily routines are in the spotlight. The Blue Moon provides valuable insights that could lead to major improvements in how you approach your job or health habits. This is the time to refine your strategies and make changes that enhance your efficiency and well-being.

Libra: Creativity and self-expression take center stage with this Super Blue Moon. You’re primed for a surge of inspiration that can invigorate your artistic projects and personal endeavors. Dive into your creative passions and let your unique talents make a bold statement.

Scorpio: Home and family dynamics are about to undergo a significant shift. The Blue Moon brings profound revelations that could lead to a reevaluation of your emotional foundations. Use this energy to address long-standing issues and make transformative changes that strengthen your domestic life.

Sagittarius: The Blue Moon lights up your immediate surroundings and communication. Prepare for a burst of inspiration that could lead to new ideas and changes in your daily routine. This is a powerful time to refresh your approach to local interactions and seek out exciting new opportunities right where you are.

Capricorn: Financial and value-related revelations are on the horizon for you. The Blue Moon casts a spotlight on your resources, urging you to reassess and realign your financial strategies. This is your opportunity to make strategic decisions that will strengthen your financial foundation and pave the way for long-term stability.

Aquarius: The Super Blue Moon is your time to shine, Aquarius! This cosmic event invites you to take a bold leap forward in your personal journey. Expect powerful insights that reveal new aspects of yourself and drive you to embrace your uniqueness. It's a perfect moment for a transformative self-reinvention that sets the stage for future success.

Pisces: The Blue Moon illuminates your inner world and subconscious mind. Expect deep emotional revelations and insights that encourage self-reflection. Use this time to confront and resolve inner conflicts, leading to a profound sense of clarity and emotional growth.


Self-care Tips for the Blue Moon

  1. Third-Eye Meditation: Sit in a quiet space and focus on your third eye, located between your eyebrows. Use deep breathing and visualization to imagine a deep indigo light expanding from this area, gently opening and clearing any blockages.

  2. Crown & Root Clearing: Tap into the Super Blue Moon's energy for powerful Crown and Root chakra healing. Ground yourself with mindful breathwork. Visualize light aligning your higher consciousness with deep-rooted stability, creating a strong bridge between your spiritual and physical well-being.

  3. Mindful Journaling: Engage in mindful journaling to process thoughts and emotions from deep introspection. Write about your insights, dreams, and intuitive experiences. This practice helps integrate spiritual awareness into everyday life and supports mental clarity.

  4. Ikigai Reflection: Reflect on your "ikigai," or your reason for being. Spend time identifying what brings you joy, purpose, and fulfillment. This practice helps align your daily actions with your deeper values and aspirations, supporting overall mental health.

  5. Zen Breathing: Incorporate Zen breathing exercises into your daily routine. Practice deep, slow breaths, focusing on the breath’s natural rhythm. This technique calms the mind, reduces anxiety, and enhances mental clarity.

Trust The Journey

Let this Blue Moon inspire you to align with your true self, release what no longer serves you, and confidently chart your future course. The universe offers you a powerful nudge toward evolution—embrace it fully. This is your moment to step into a transformative journey toward a brighter and more authentic future. While honoring the power of the present moment!

Happy Full Moon!

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17 août
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Definitely been getting a lot of prophetic dreams and just inspiration to do more inner reflection at this time. Motivated for monday and the insights it'll bring.

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