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Writer's pictureTracie Ann

Navigating the Super Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: A Journey of Surrender, Healing, and Transformation!

Beneath Pisces' deep and mystic waves, Where the Full Moon casts its silver gaze, A path of healing and surrender lies, Calling us to grow, to rise, to realize. Come, take this cosmic journey, Through the Super Eclipse’s celestial dance, Where shadows fade and souls take flight, Illuminating our inner path with light.

On September 17th at 9:45 PM CST, the skies will light up with a Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25º47' of Pisces. The cosmic event is closely tied to Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces, and marks a powerful time of spiritual awakening and emotional release.

We are invited to let go of illusions, confront hidden truths, and embrace the natural flow of life. The time is right for us to navigate endings and transitions with grace and faith, making way for new beginnings aligned with our true selves.

The Full Moon is the time when the Sun fully illuminates the Moon, reflecting the hidden and unnoticed aspects of our lives back to us. With this illumination, our unconscious mind is brought into full view, allowing us to see our deepest feelings, fears, and desires for the very first time. In a sense, it is as if a spotlight is shining on our inner stage, making everything that was once hidden in the shadows visible and prompting moments of profound self-awareness and clarity to emerge.


The Power of Completion and Integration

There is a special energy of completion and integration associated with the Full Moon in Pisces. As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents the culmination of all the zodiac signs' lessons, symbolizing the closure of cycles and the completion of journeys. Whenever we are exposed to this energy, we are encouraged to collect all the knowledge and experiences we've gained over the years, like assembling the pieces of a puzzle. It's time to release outdated habits, patterns, and beliefs that no longer serve us. We are closing certain chapters to make room for new beginnings that align more authentically with who we are today.

With this Full Moon, we are able to reveal hidden truths and unprocessed emotions, providing us with a clearer view of our lives and relationships. It can feel like seeing ourselves clearly for the first time after these revelations. Clarity gained under this lunar influence can lead to transformational self-reflection and healing by connecting the dots between experiences, emotions, and the current state of being. You may find yourself riding waves of emotion, especially if you’ve been suppressing your feelings. Consider these waves as messengers, guiding you to pay closer attention to what you truly feel, need, and desire. By embracing this sensitivity, you can better understand your inner self, shedding light on vulnerabilities that may have been overlooked.

A Time for Healing and Release: Cleansing the Emotional Body

This Full Moon calls for a deep emotional and spiritual cleansing. Pisces promotes a gradual, natural healing process, similar to how water gently shapes and smooths stones over time. Your soul may feel compelled to confront unresolved emotions or past wounds, not to relive them, but to let them go. Imagine this process as a spiritual detox, clearing away old, stagnant energy to make room for increased growth and a lighter emotional state. While releasing past hurts or outdated beliefs may be challenging, it ultimately creates space for renewal and opportunities to flourish.

Deepening Dreams and Creative Exploration

The Full Moon in Pisces also enhances our connection to dreams, imagination, and the deeper currents of the subconscious mind. During this time, your dreams may become more vivid and symbolic, providing insights into unresolved issues or hidden desires. This is an excellent period for artistic exploration—whether through journaling, painting, meditating, or simply daydreaming. These creative practices can help bring to light parts of yourself that may not be easily accessible through the conscious mind. Dreams and creative pursuits serve as windows into the soul, revealing deeper truths and guiding you toward inner integration and wholeness.

Trusting the Flow of Life

Pisces teaches us the powerful lesson of surrender—letting go of the need to control outcomes and trusting that life is unfolding as it should, even if we cannot see the full path ahead. Surrendering is not about giving up but cultivating an openness to life’s mysteries and trusting our inner wisdom to guide you. The state of surrender can lead to unexpected revelations, new directions, and deeper spiritual insights.

Themes of the Super Eclipse in Pisces

Here are key themes to know during this time:

  • Innovation and Breakthroughs: New methods, creative ideas, and innovations may emerge as we are inspired to think beyond the usual.

  • Freedom from Stagnation: A strong desire to break free from inaction, addictions, or dependencies may arise, encouraging one to release what holds them back.

  • Collective and Global Vision: The lack of a unified global vision or collective consciousness may become more apparent, prompting reflections on our shared future and interconnectedness.

  • Challenges to the Established Order: Expect discussions around extremism, systemic collapse, or conflicts against the natural order, which may lead to a reassessment of societal structures and beliefs.

  • Financial Realities and Prosperity: Topics related to prosperity, wealth, abundance, commerce, and financial systems may come into focus, possibly revealing breaches or abuses of power.

  • Revealing Hidden Truths: This time is ripe for uncovering hidden truths and exposing abuses of power, offering an opportunity to access ancestral wisdom and hidden knowledge.

  • Humanitarian and Social Science Insights: Topics concerning humanity, social justice, and the need for collective healing and unity will be highlighted, with a focus on overcoming disputes and building common ground.

Gratitude Questions

I was about to title this shadowwork question, and I said no. It's time to focus on gratitude questions. And reflecting on these gratitude questions can help deepen your appreciation for the present, honor your journey, and open your heart to the abundance around you.

  1. Who are the people in my life who support and uplift me, and how can I show my appreciation for their presence and love? Think about the relationships that add value to your life. What are some meaningful ways to express gratitude to those who support you?

  2. What natural gifts or talents do I possess, and how can I be more thankful for these abilities by using them to enrich my life and the lives of others? Acknowledge the unique strengths and talents you have. How can you honor these gifts by sharing them with the world?

  3. How can I express more gratitude for the simple, everyday moments that bring peace, joy, or contentment? Consider the small, often overlooked moments that bring happiness. How can you cultivate a deeper awareness and appreciation for these daily joys?

  4. What opportunities for growth and learning have come my way recently, and how can I express gratitude for these chances to evolve? Think about recent experiences that have expanded your perspective or skills. How can you honor these opportunities as essential parts of your journey?

  5. How can I practice gratitude in my relationships by fostering a sense of reciprocity, balance, and mutual appreciation? Reflect on the give-and-take within your connections. How can you nurture a spirit of gratitude and reciprocity to strengthen the bonds you share with others?


Moving Forward with Awareness and Gratitude

Eclipses offer a powerful opportunity for emotional release, spiritual growth, and transformation right before fall equinox. As we move through this period, remember that the energies present are here to help us release what no longer serves us, embrace our true selves, and move forward with clarity, compassion, and an open heart. Whether through dreams, emotions, or unexpected revelations, trust in life’s flow, heal from within and remain open to the beauty of the unknown paths that lie ahead.

Happy Full Moon!

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