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Writer's pictureTracie Ann

Mastering the Law of Assumption: 5 Techniques to Manifest Success in Your Life!

The Law of Assumption is one of the most powerful, yet often misunderstood, principles of manifestation. I had a hard time understanding the depth of this principle and what it meant until I understood its context. Popularized by spiritual teacher Neville Goddard, the Law of Assumption suggests that what we assume to be true, whether consciously or subconsciously, directly influences our reality. Unlike the Law of Attraction, which focuses on attracting what you desire through energy alignment, the Law of Assumption emphasizes acting as if your desired outcome is already achieved. By mastering this law, I've learned firsthand how you can shift your mindset and manifest success in every aspect of your life.

In this practical guide, we will explore:

  • How the Law of Assumption works.

  • Common myths and misconceptions.

  • Step-by-step techniques to apply the law in your life.

  • Real-life examples and affirmations to help you shift your assumptions and manifest success.

What Is the Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption is built on the idea that your external reality is shaped by your inner beliefs and assumptions. Simply put, whatever you assume to be true—whether positive or negative—will become your experience. Whenever you consider success, happiness, and abundance inevitable, your actions, thoughts, and behaviors naturally reflect that belief, and your external world reflects it.

Neville Goddard explained it this way:

“Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled, and watch the magic happen.”

This law doesn’t ask you to wait for validation from the external world; instead, it requires you to internalize the assumption that what you want is already yours. When you assume the reality of your desired outcome, your subconscious mind works in the background to bring that reality to fruition.

Misconceptions About the Law of Assumption

Myth #1: You Must “Fake It Till You Make It”

A common misconception is that you should simply “fake it till you make it.” However, the Law of Assumption isn’t about pretending or deceiving yourself. It’s about genuinely believing that your desired outcome is already true. You’re not just acting successful; you’re embodying the mindset and energy of someone who has already succeeded.

Myth #2: The Law of Assumption Works Instantly

While the Law of Assumption is powerful, it doesn’t always produce instant results. Your deep-rooted beliefs and assumptions may take time to shift. The key is consistency—daily reaffirming your desired reality until it becomes ingrained in your subconscious mind. If you find yourself dealing with negative thoughts, energy clearing may be needed. Along with positive affirmations. Check out my previous article, "The Power of Affirmations: Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind for Manifestation" to learn more about affirmations and their power.

How to Apply the Law of Assumption

Step 1: Define Your Desired Outcome

Before you can assume success, you need to clearly define what success looks like to you. Be specific.

• Is it financial abundance?

• Career advancement?

• Improved relationships?

Write down your goals in clear, measurable terms. For example:

“I am earning $100,000 a year doing work that fulfills me.”

“I am in a loving, supportive relationship with my partner.”

Tip: Use present-tense language as though the outcome is already reality.

Step 2: Assume the Feeling of Your Wish Fulfilled

The core of the Law of Assumption is to feel as though your desired outcome is already true. This is where many people struggle, but it’s the key to unlocking this law. Your emotions and assumptions must align with your desired state.


• Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.

• Visualize yourself living in your desired reality. What does it feel like? Engage your senses—see, hear, and feel your success.

• If your goal is career success, imagine yourself in a high-level meeting, confidently contributing and being respected. Feel the pride and satisfaction as if it’s happening now.

The more vividly you can feel these emotions, the more your subconscious will work to align your external world with this inner assumption.

Step 3: Act As If

Once you’ve established the feeling of your wish fulfilled, the next step is to act as if your desired outcome is already true. This doesn’t mean making drastic changes overnight, but rather aligning your daily actions with your new assumptions.

Practical Tips:

Dress the part: If you’re manifesting a promotion or career success, start dressing like the professional you envision. This will subtly influence your mindset and the way others perceive you.

Make decisions based on your new reality: Ask yourself, “If I had already achieved this success, what would I do?”Make decisions that align with your assumption of success.

Use successful body language: Stand tall, make eye contact, and carry yourself confidently, as if you’ve already reached your goal.

By acting as though your desired outcome is inevitable, you’re reinforcing the belief in your subconscious mind.

Step 4: Reprogram Your Subconscious with Affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful tool to reprogram your subconscious with new assumptions. Repetition is crucial; the more you affirm your desired reality, the more your subconscious will accept it as truth.


Try repeating affirmations like:

“Success flows to me effortlessly.”

“I am achieving my goals.”

“My mind is focused on abundance and growth.”

Tip: The best times to repeat affirmations are just before bed and right after waking up. This is when your brain is in a hypnagogic state, making it more receptive to new programming.

Section 4: Real-Life Applications of the Law of Assumption

Example 1: Career Success

Take the story of Jim Carrey, who used the Law of Assumption early in his career. Before becoming a successful actor, he wrote himself a check for $10 million, dating it 5 years into the future, with a note for “acting services rendered.” Every day, he would assume that his dream was already true, visualizing himself cashing the check. Years later, he received a $10 million paycheck for his role in the film Dumb and Dumber.

Carrey’s story illustrates how powerful the Law of Assumption can be when you truly believe in your desired outcome and act as if it’s already true. This story is so powerful because I didn't know about it until I wanted to learn more about the law of assumption.

Example 2: Personal Relationships

Many people struggle with relationships, often assuming they'll always struggle finding love or maintaining healthy connections. By shifting assumptions, you can manifest a different reality.


• Start assuming that love and respect are already present in your life.

• Visualize yourself in a happy, harmonious relationship. What are the qualities of this relationship? How does your partner treat you? How do you feel about this dynamic?

• Practice gratitude daily, even for the small gestures, reinforcing the assumption that your relationship is thriving.

Section 5: Overcoming Resistance and Limiting Beliefs

Shifting your assumptions can be challenging, especially if you’ve been conditioned by years of limiting beliefs. It’s important to recognize and address resistance when it arises.

Common Resistance:

Doubt: “What if this doesn’t work?”

Impatience: “Why aren’t things changing immediately?”

Overcoming Resistance:

• When doubt arises, remind yourself that manifestation takes time. Your subconscious is like soil—what you plant today won’t grow overnight, but with consistent care, it will bear fruit.

• Practice self-compassion and remember that setbacks are part of the process. Keep reaffirming your desired reality, even when progress feels slow.


The Law of Assumption is a powerful tool that allows you to manifest success by shifting your mindset and aligning your actions with your desired reality. By defining your goals, embodying the feeling of your wish fulfilled, acting as if you’ve already succeeded, and using affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind, you can unlock the true potential of this law. This paired with the Law of Attraction and even astrology is a powerful tool. Check out this abundance forecast for September, highlighting the best days to manifest in September 2024. "Your September 2024 Abundance Forecast."

Remember, success comes not from hoping for the best but from assuming the best is already yours. As you continue to practice and refine these techniques, you’ll find that your external world will naturally begin to reflect your internal assumptions.

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