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Writer's pictureTracie Ann

Cosmic Conversations: Dissolving Doubt- Releasing Obsession and Uncertainty for Inner Clarity. Weekend of Sept. 20th, 2024!

"Dissolving all fear and doubt.

Detach, observe, understand, breathe, and transform.

Flowing with the gentle winds of gratitude, embracing change and new perspectives.

As I wave goodbye to my old limitations and barriers. I walk in the present fully renewed.

I am the rose, the thorn, the stem, and the root.

I am the sun that feeds the vibrancy of red on each petal, the raindrop from sweet morning dew."

Peace & Divine Blessings, Beautiful Souls,

Wishing everyone well.

I wanted to provide a brief energy update, which will also be recorded on my podcast, "The Cosmic Source."

With that said, we are moving through a dynamic eclipse portal, the last eclipse portal of 2024. Eclipse season usually occurs twice a year. This eclipse season has brought up some powerful themes for me to correct, let go of, and embrace. And that is what every eclipse season offers me. However, each has its own flair and deeper understanding.

I've noticed major shifts in my approach to work, collaborations, and ongoing projects. It's like a fresher, more updated mindset that is leading me on a path toward greater success. I know it's doing the same to others in so many beautiful ways. Much of the energy we've been navigating feels like a deep transformation and the rebuilding of foundations.

There is a major need to fully embrace your desires, set clear boundaries, and confidently say no when necessary. We are called to learn how to protect and conserve our energy rather than depleting it by overextending ourselves. Significant healing is happening around the inherited pattern of self-reliance and the fear of receiving support from others, which may have left you feeling unfulfilled. It's time to lean into leadership, trusting your ability to guide while also allowing others to support you.

At the same time, the divine feminine energy within each individual is awakening to new levels of self-mastery. This is about becoming whole again—stepping into the person you were meant to be in this lifetime, embracing your full potential and purpose.

The divine feminine exists within both men and women, representing nurturing, intuitive, and receptive aspects. It is the energy that embraces softness, creativity, emotional depth, and wisdom—qualities that are often underdeveloped or misunderstood in modern society. For men, connecting with the divine feminine helps balance the masculine energy of action and control by encouraging vulnerability, empathy, and inner reflection. For women, awakening the divine feminine allows for a return to their natural, authentic power, often repressed by societal pressures to conform to rigid roles.

Rather than being a gender-based concept, the divine feminine is about connecting with an energy that empowers personal growth, healing, and a deep understanding of ourselves. This is the space where compassion, intuition, and the flow of life guide us toward living a more holistic, balanced life.

Alchemy envisions this union of complementary forces as the process of conjunction. This stage symbolizes the merging of opposites, often referred to as the integration of conscious and unconscious energies in alchemy. There is a deep connection between this alchemical process and the awakening of the divine feminine within everyone on the planet.

When doing the work, upon integrating masculine and feminine aspects, we begin to experience inner unity. Self-mastery and spiritual growth result from the merger of the feminine receptive and intuitive energy with the masculine assertive and active energy. Conjunction teaches us that to achieve wholeness, seemingly opposing energies must be blended. As we step into our highest potential in this lifetime, we will become our true selves, transcend duality, and become our true selves.

Moving through the weekend, Sunday, September 22, marks the start of Libra season and the September equinox. This shift brings balance and harmony to the forefront, encouraging us to focus on relationships, partnerships, and how we connect with others. Libra season naturally highlights fairness, equality, and the importance of maintaining healthy dynamics in all interactions.

At the same time, the moon in Gemini brings heightened curiosity and communication, pushing us to explore deeper conversations, uncover hidden truths, and approach our connections with a renewed sense of openness. This is a time for learning from others and being more adaptable in how we share our thoughts and ideas. This can also increase mental stimulation and a ton of news, conversations, or topics/distractions in the media. So stay grounded and engage in self-care practices to balance your mind, body, and spirit.

With Venus entering Scorpio on this day, the energy takes on a more intense, transformative tone. Venus in Scorpio demands depth, passion, and authenticity in relationships. It invites a shift from surface-level interactions to a place of raw honesty, where true desires are exposed, and emotional vulnerability is essential. Power dynamics may come into play, as Scorpio's influence encourages us to explore trust, intimacy, and even control within partnerships. Shadow work in relationships is key during this transit! So be prepared to go deep and explore your inner world and hidden desires.

You may find yourself evaluating what connections truly align with your soul, releasing those that no longer serve your growth, and embracing deeper commitments where trust and emotional honesty are paramount.

Overall, I'm thankful for the present moment and all we've been shown. From intimate relationships to social relationships and children, I am thankful for what the universe provides so we may reach new levels of self-mastery.


This weekend's energy focus is on self-care for the second chakra, the sacral chakra. Here’s how you can align with and nurture this energy:

  • Location: The sacral chakra is located just below the navel, governing emotions, creativity, pleasure, and relationships.

  • Balance: When balanced, it helps you feel emotionally centered, open to joy, and connected to your creativity and sensuality.

  • Self-care tips:

    • Engage in creative activities such as painting, writing, or dancing.

    • Spend time in nature, soaking in the beauty of your surroundings.

    • Indulge in simple pleasures—take a long bath, enjoy your favorite meal, or listen to music that moves you.

    • Practice mindful movements, such as yoga or stretching, to connect with your body.

    • Allow yourself to rest and honor your need for emotional rejuvenation.

  • Themes: Emotional balance, creativity, pleasure, intimacy, and how you connect with others and yourself.

  • Shadow work question: "Where in my life do I suppress my true desires or emotional needs, and why do I feel the need to do so?"

  • Gratitude question: "What brings me the most joy and pleasure in life, and how can I express gratitude for the ability to experience these feelings?"

Stay on the lookout for my upcoming cosmic conversations energy report on "The Cosmic Source." I also have some more articles on the way and other helpful tips and energy tricks.

With love,

Tracie Ann

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