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Writer's pictureTracie Ann

5 Basic Steps To Setting Intentions!

Setting intentions is a powerful practice that helps align your energy with your goals, opening the road toward personal growth and transformation. Intentions act as a guiding force, directing your thoughts, actions, and emotions toward your desired outcomes. However, simply stating your intentions is not enough; it requires a clear process and it also requires your energy to be on point.

In the past, I've often wondered why my manifestations didn't come out the way I believed they should have. However, I realized it was due to me not clearing out old energies and subconscious patterns and setting a consistent practice. Once I understood this, I began to focus on releasing negative emotions and beliefs, and I made a habit of setting clear, aligned intentions. This shift has made a significant difference in my manifestation process, leading to more successful and fulfilling outcomes. But, it also helped me learn to start making decisions that support my manifestations.

So, I decided to write this quick and easy guide that goes over five basic steps to setting effective intentions. These steps will help you release negative emotions, clear out old patterns, establish new, positive intentions, seek support when needed, and, most importantly, believe in your ability to manifest your desires. By following this guide, you’ll learn how to harness the power of intention-setting to create a life that resonates with your true self.

Step 1: Releasing Fear, Guilt, Shame, Doubt, and Blame

Our boundaries may have been violated at some point, creating negative emotions that trick us into thinking certain patterns are safe, even when they are not. This first step is crucial for clearing out emotional clutter, which impacts our intentions. Choose to stop the cycle of negative emotions. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Here’s how to do it:

  • Find a Quiet Space: Choose a place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

  • Deep Breathing: Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a few seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth.

  • Focus on Your Heart: Bring your awareness to your heart center. Imagine a warm light glowing there.

  • Feel the Emotions: Allow yourself to feel any emotions related to fear, guilt, shame, doubt, and blame. Don’t judge these emotions; just let them surface.

  • Release: As these emotions come up, imagine them being enveloped by the warm light in your heart. Visualize this light expanding and dissolving the old emotions. Affirm to yourself, "It’s okay to let go."

  • Repeat if Needed: Continue this process until you feel a sense of relief and lightness.

Step 2: Clear Out Current Intentions

Our boundaries are often skewed because we believe in distorted perceptions, which hinders our manifestations. Clearing out current, ineffective intentions, beliefs, old narratives, or patterns helps us reset and align with our true desires.

  • Reflect on Current Intentions: Write down your current intentions and examine them. Are they based on fear, lack, or societal expectations?

  • Identify Distortions: Notice any distortions or negative patterns. For example, you might find an intention rooted in fear of failure or desire for approval.

  • Decide to Eliminate: Make a conscious decision to eliminate these old programs. Say out loud, “I release these outdated intentions and beliefs that no longer serve me.”

  • Visualize Clearing: Imagine a broom sweeping away these old intentions, making space for new, aligned ones.

Step 3: Establish Your New Intention

Now that you have cleared old energies and intentions, it’s time to set new, positive, and aligned intentions. Whether material, relationships, or spiritual, focus on one intention per meditation. Ask what is emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically important to you?

  • Clarity is Key: Be clear and specific about what you want to manifest. Instead of vague statements like “I want to be happy,” specify what happiness looks like for you.

  • Write it Down: Write your new intention in a positive, present-tense statement. For example, “I am enjoying a fulfilling and prosperous career.”

  • Visualize: Close your eyes and visualize your intention as if it has already happened. Feel the emotions associated with achieving this intention.

  • Affirmations: Create affirmations that support your new intention. Repeat them daily to reinforce your belief.

Step 4: Ask for Divine or Physical Support if Needed

Manifesting intentions often requires support, whether it’s divine guidance or physical assistance from others.

  • Divine Support: If you believe in a higher power, ask for guidance and assistance. This could be through prayer, meditation, or simply talking to your spiritual guides.

  • Physical Support: Don’t hesitate to seek help from people around you. This could be friends, family, mentors, or professionals who can provide advice, encouragement, or resources.

  • Be Open to Receiving: Be open and receptive to the support that comes your way. Trust that the universe or your support network will guide you.

Step 5: Believe

To believe is to know you have already achieved your intention. This step is about cultivating unwavering faith in your manifestation process. The divine believes in you!

  • Embody Belief: Act as if your intention has already manifested. How would you behave? What actions would you take? Start incorporating these behaviors into your daily life.

  • Positive Mindset: Maintain a positive mindset. Whenever doubt creeps in, counter it with positive affirmations and visualizations of your intention.

  • Gratitude: Practice gratitude for what you already have and for what is coming. Gratitude amplifies positive energy and attracts more of what you desire.

  • Consistent Practice: Believe consistently. This is not a one-time effort. Keep reinforcing your belief through daily affirmations, visualizations, and actions aligned with your intention.

Journal Questions for Intention Setting

  1. What old emotions or beliefs do I need to release before setting my new intentions?

  2. In what areas of my life do I feel my boundaries have been violated, and how can I restore them?

  3. What are my current intentions, and are they aligned with my true desires?

  4. What new intentions do I want to set, and why are they important to me?

  5. How will achieving these intentions positively impact my life?

  6. Who or what can support me in manifesting my intentions?

  7. How can I embody the belief that my intentions are already manifested?

  8. What daily practices can I incorporate to reinforce my intentions and belief in them?


  • I release all fear, guilt, shame, doubt, and blame from my heart and mind.

  • I am free from past negative emotions and open to new positive energies.

  • I clear away old patterns and make space for new, aligned intentions.

  • My intentions are clear, focused, and aligned with my highest good.

  • I trust in the divine guidance and support available to me.

  • I am worthy of manifesting my deepest desires.

  • I am grateful for the progress I make every day.

  • I am open to receiving all the support I need to achieve my goals.

  • I believe in my ability to manifest my dreams.

  • I act as if my intentions have already come to fruition.

  • Every day, I align more closely with my true desires.

  • I am a powerful creator of my reality.

  • I am deserving of all the abundance and joy life has to offer.

  • I trust the process of manifestation and remain patient and positive.

  • I am in harmony with the universe, and my intentions are manifesting.

  • I attract positive energy and supportive people into my life.

  • I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals.

  • I am thankful for the support and guidance I receive from the universe.

  • My life is filled with purpose, passion, and prosperity.

  • I embody the belief that my intentions are already manifested.

Setting intentions is more than just a mental exercise; it’s a powerful practice that aligns your energy, thoughts, and actions with your deepest desires. By following the five basic steps outlined in this guide—releasing negative emotions, clearing out old patterns, establishing new intentions, seeking support, and believing in your manifestations—you create a strong foundation for personal growth and transformation.

Remember, setting intentions involves consistency and dedication. As you integrate these practices into your daily life, you'll see significant changes and greater alignment with your true self. Use the journal questions to gain clarity and the affirmations to reinforce your beliefs, and watch as your intentions manifest into reality.

Trust the process, stay committed, and believe in your ability to manifest your dreams!

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